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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Social Network Take Over

     Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, can bank on it that people have at least one of these. It's crazy how the world is becoming consumed in social networks! I mean, even the president has a Facebook and twitter. Like, I bet my generation barely remembers what life was like before social networking. Everybody just loves to update their status on Facebook and twitter.

     The good thing about social networks is that you can keep in touch with a lot of people. It may use the internet, but it sure does save a lot on the phone bill. Just think about it, you rarely talk on the phone and barely text that much anymore (unless you're talking to family). People would actually rather talk to someone via twitter/facebook. With the popularity of social networks, older family members are even more commonly found on facebook. And social networks can be in and out like trends. For example, it's bad for a person to still be using Myspace. People don't always like to use Facebook because parents and family members send then friend requests and they feel obligated to accept, so they flock to twitter.

     When I think about the timeline of popular social networks, I notice they just get lazier than the last.

  • Black Planet = html input for basically everything, pic upload, text script, basically you had to build your page from the ground up
  • Myspace = layout html codes, pic upload, pic html codes, text script
  • Facebook = Pic upload, text script, status updates
  • Twitter = Status update, pic upload
  • Instagram = Pic upload
Nothing bad about it, just when you get to the point where you can't separate yourself from it. People actually get addicted to their social networks. There was even an episode on MTV's True Life series about it. And I get so amazed sometimes when I'm in a room full of people and everyone's on their phone, (obviously on twitter or instagram). Or how two or more people could be in a room and it's pure silence because they're on their phone. It's just surreal to me. Or even how people talk to an associate, not necessarily a really cool friend, on a social network but in person they don't talk. I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice these things.

     These networks really are a distraction to reality. If you know someone that's Tumblr famous, Twitter famous, and/or Instagram model then you probably know what I'm talking about. I'm sure these people get on their social networks everyday just to chat, rant, socialize, post pictures, etc just to keep their "fame" going. And they've gotten to a point where people are actually interested in what they're saying/posting. It's ok and all, but you gotta realize they're only "famous" on these social networks...therefore, that's where they spend the most time. And let's be honest, what ordinary person doesn't like fame?? It's not like they're celebrity status where paparazzi stalk their every move. They're just famous to the point where they get a lot of retweets, replies, likes, and/or comments.

But hey, it is what it is for now. It won't last long. Because....people do grow up, ya know?